Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bangkok Bound

So my trip to Krabi was cut shorter than I expected, which is sad because I was going to get dinner and massages and round two at Swensons with my friend from France. It would have meant another day in Krabi on my own or an entire day in a bus, and neither of those options made much sense. Krabi is Ok for maybe a day, but not a lot going on. It is really pretty by the river, but I didn't have my camera when we were there, and never made it back to take pictures. So at four I asked when the last sleeper bus left for Bangkok. I was told I would have leave right then and that it left at 5:30. The bus to Bangkok is a twelve hour ride. They are the least comfortable sleeper buses you could imagine. They play awful music for a chunk of it and the AC is blowing constantly. You feel like you are in a refrigeration. Also  I don't think that the chairs are made to support my slightly larger farang frame. That being said I made it. I cannot express enough gratitude to my family here in Bangkok. They are incredible. They were there when my bus got to the station and they never got a time from me on when we got there. I was going to take a taxi and get to the subway and then call from there stop, but given my state it wouldn't have been the best idea. Anyway it was 30 minutes to the bus station and I got there at 6 it was almost a 2 hour ride back. Nui has 3 jobs and is extremely hard working and busy (I saw her with two cell phones to her ears today), but she came anyway. She also spent the better part of the morning getting me to the hospital and going with me to my appointments. There was no way I could have done it myself. It was a Thai hospital for sure.

So I got off the bus and realized that I no longer had ankles. The two days of walking before and a 12 hour bus ride with my feet down low caught up to me. My ankles and feet swelled pretty significantly. Mae insisted that I got to the doctor today, and so I did, but first we went to the house. By the time I got my things unloaded there was a feast on the table. Some sort of dumpling, Muping (pork satay), rambutan(crazy fruit), watermelon, pineapple, champu(another fruit apple/pearish), and sticky rice. Problem was I was the only one eating. And eat I did. This blog might be taking a temporary move into the food blog realm because Mae's cooking is incredible, and it is really all I have to look forward too. I am a little worried that my weak feet aren't going to be able to carry all the weight I am bound to put on while I am here. I asked Mae if she would teach me to cook while I am here. She is so funny, she knows I don't understand Thai but it doesn't stop her from speaking it to me. Although she does call me Tyler all the time so maybe she does think I understand. I can usually get what she wants since she typically points an motions for me as well.

The hostpital was a bit of a racket. It was surprisingly quick for how many people there were. I go in and show him my feet which are currently pretty purple, and he starts asking about my hip an back. I explain they feel fine its my heels that are sore. He seems to understand. I am told I will need x-rays(which I expected) then am sent along. First stop was to get a shot in by butt for the pain. I thought a pill would have been fine or really would have been fine with nothing but I went with it. Then we went and got x-rays. This is were I got annoyed. They x-rayed my hips an to this time I still don't understand the logic. I went and asked the doctor why  they were xraying my hips, he told me that he didn't think my feet hurt because I jumped off of something, but rather that I had some sort of degenerative disease. Which I guess he deduced when I told his everything except my feet were fine. He also had blood work ordered. I have a feeling it were they make their money as it was about 1/3 the cost of the visit. Which by all means was quite affordable. Anyway I got 3 different anti-inflammatories. I take one 3 times a day, one twice a day, and one once a day. Seems excessive, but we'll see.

Well, I am making the couch my home. Looks like I will get to keep up on my international badminton.


 Bus ride
 They make sure you know that you are eating Porky - Muping
 Hospital gowns
 Chicken basil with cashew. It was sooooo good.

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