So we are on our was the Sihanoukville and the bus ride has been quite the experience. We get there and they tell is that they have oversold the bus so we are going to have to take another bus. So we get on another bus which is not nearly as nice as what we were supposed to get which was a full on bed. Anyway it's a frustrating experience. Then we have to switch buses at one point. We are on the bus now and getting pretty close to our destination. I got some sleep but could really have used some more. I don't think Brandt is a fan of night buses though.
We have been here a couple days now and there's not a ton to write about. We are in a really cool little beach town but we haven't done very much. We went and jumped off the end of the pier a couple of times which was fun. We have met some really cool people. Seems like a lot of British and Australians. We also have met a handful of Canadians here. The Australians we met were really cool. They were both law students. Tomorrow is Australia Day so they were ready to have a big night and subsequently a big day on the booze cruise the next day.
Food and accommodations are cheap. We are paying $10 for our room which is easily walking distance from the water. Meals run anywhere from $1-4. We had a barbecue on the beach for $3 last night.
Cambodian people are some of the nicest we have met so far. They can be a little pushy. Especially tuk tuk drivers who will offer tuk tuk, weed, and boom boom (prostitutes) usually in that order. It's kind of sad but a reality of the area. Prostitution is a real issue.
Cambodia has been a ton of fun and still lots to see.
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