So we ate breakfast. Porridge again. Which I am growing quite fond of and set out. We are planning on having a 20km day which will be a nice laid back day. I am hiking with an Irish guy who requires tea breaks pretty regularly. I really don't mind the rest. The views as you get higher change. You get glimpses of the incredible mountain peaks. This trek is a popular one but we typically hike alone and pass mostly locals. They are often carrying wood or herding animals. We walk through the different towns all on the way and there are shops and hotels lining cobblestone roadways.
We hiked 13km til lunch in bhratang. I opted for the traditional Dal Bat meal. Today is going to be a much more relaxed day than yesterday. We could push to make it further but there's not much of a point since we want to make to Manang the following day and we should be able to make it quite easily.
Another 6km down and another tea break. It's not yet high enough to worry about altitude sickness but it does feel like you have to work a bit harder now than before.
We made it to upper Pisang which puts is at 20.5km on the day. We could have gone further but we need to end up in Manang tomorrow and it will only be about five hours of trekking from where we are now. There was a fork in the road today and we took the one that will take us higher and should have better views. We got here about 4:45 today so it was a short and early day. We are above 3000m now which is where they say you have to worry about altitude sickness.
It was a good day. Parts of it felt a bit tedious but there are some really beautiful areas we passed and we are starting to get close to some of the real climbing.
Accommodations are $1 plus we will eat at the place. Foods about $2-$5 per meal. We haven't yet experienced it but some places charge to take hot showers or to charge a phone. Rooms are just beds with the toilet and shower separate. Toilets are all squatters. Most places provide blankets but a sleeping bag is necessary. It's starting to get pretty cold. Pants and beanie are a must. We walked through some snow today and are starting to get into more and more as we continue. They say this is one of the colder seasons in a while so the snow is much lower than it would typically be.
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