Saturday, November 9, 2013

Catching up

The hostel we are staying at here is such a dive we have been here and hour and Brandt is getting bit by mosquitoes we have rats and cockroaches. That's what we get for getting in late though. The rest of the drive into Durban was fun. It was a 7 hour drive about from coffee bay. We went to basically sea world here in Durban. 

My phone was dead so I only have pictures on my computer of the sea world trip. One day I will have to post some of those. This whole blog has been done on my phone so forgive the lack of quality in photos spelling and grammar. They lack at best. 

It as fun but hot. It's really hot here. We returned the car and that has me pretty nervous. They definitely saw the scratch but the rims of the car were all bent and the Hubs scratched. Oh well that's what insurance is for. 

We moved to a new hostel right on antsey beach which is nice although there is no AC which makes it hot. 

The beach from the hostel. 

Today I think we might hang out by the beach and surf. If we ever get home that is. We had to drop off the car and they wanted 150 rand for a taxi to get back and we can't find a mini bus to take us back so it's the bus. We have another 30 minutes before it comes. Even then it doesn't get us super close to our hostel. 

We got back and spent some time out on the beach. Durban is hot and there was a nice breeze so it was pretty ideal beach weather. 

We wanted to braii but we couldn't find anywhere to get meat. We ended up hanging out by the beach. The girls met a guy who took us into town and so we drove in the back of a truck into town. We all walked around town shoeless going from spot to spot until the early hours of the morning. It was an interesting night. 

Today has been a rainy day so we have just been hanging out around the hostel shooting pool and watching tv. It's good to have a day off occasionally.  We went to get sushi at a sushi place up the road. They do half price sushi so it reminds me of ginzas with friends. 

Well we moved hostels and are now near downtown Durban at a place called happy hippo backpackers. It's nice. Much cleaner than the first place in Durban. I think Durban will be pretty low key from here on out. We took a bus from the last hostel to the new one which is quite an undertaking with our Norwegian friends. Te come with a lot is baggage. 
Silje trying to close her bag. 

The explosion of stuff and the perpitrators. 

 It was nice though we had a bus driver who was very kind and took us way off route to get us close to the hostel otherwise it would have been a long walk or another can to get where we needed to go. We are staying right next to ushaka which is where sea world is and also hosts the golden mile a beautiful 6km stretch of beach. 

We are out on the beach and soaking in the sun. It's weird to think about the weather back home. They have another of the World Cup stadiums in town right on the coast line. It's quite an impressive building. Brandt and Frida decided to build a sand castle on the beach. 

Brandt and frida's sand castle. 

They do have some people here who make large sand sculptures. It's pretty cool. It's an interesting way to try to make money.

You can see the stadium on the far side of the picture. 

South Africa is different with work. They really try to find jobs for people. Some watch cars while they are parked. You see people doing work that could easily be done my machinery. It's a tough economy here and it's almost crazy to think I left a stable job when people are fighting to find work here. 

We just finished dinner on the roof. It was really nice. It was the four of is and it felt like a family dinner which apparently still exists in Norway. Both of the girls family is pretty religious about it. It really was great though. We wanted to braii but it didn't work out like we hope but we still had dinner all together and had some good meat and vegetables. First real home cooked meal since we have been here. Always fun to hear about how they grew up and how things are similar and different. 

They have some peace corp gathering here so they are occupying the common areas. Always interesting to see the mix of people you meet. 

I just got pictures from frida's camera and it was crazy to flip through everything we have done in such a short period of time. 

1 comment:

  1. Those sand sculptures are amazing! Do people drop money in a jar for the artist?
