Friday, November 1, 2013

The garden route

On the garden route and wow have we gotten lost. It's been fun though. We went Hermanus and saw the whales. They where only about 20 meters away and we saw them jumping and playing. We slept in the car if that's what you can call it. We mostly tossed and turned. We are on the beach though and that's cool. It's really quite beautiful and is turning into an adventure for sure. 

Not the best picture but what can you do. We saw a bunch of them breaching. 

We are having a really great time. I am already glad we didn't make our flight. 

So we are driving through the countryside now and it is green rolling hills and farmlands. I love road trips and with Brandt it feels like old times. 

We got to mossel bay and spent the night at a hostel. We were all exhausted from sleeping in the car the night before so we didn't do a lot the first day but we did explore the coastline a bit and checked out a sweet cave. We got a little lost and ended up walking the cliff line next to these big houses. Once we were able to check in we slept for a bit. Then we had a massive dinner. It was nice. It was an all you eat buffet and you always feel like you have to make them worth it... And I did. 

So we went ostrich riding. The Norwegian girls we are traveling with seemed to do just fine but for some reason I had a lively ostrich who first wanted to run me into a wall and Brandt got stepped on. Tons of fun though. We got to hold baby ostriches. From there we went to the Congo caves. They were cool. Not to  different from timpanogos with much larger caverns. Really cool formations as well. It is just beautiful driving as well. We haven't for the best of weather but we are making the best of it. 

Ostrich riding

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word! This trip sounds amazing! Thanks for keeping us posted Bryson.
