Sunday, November 10, 2013

Fun in Durban

Well another night down in Durban. This time we we had a pretty mellow day. We hung out at the hostel in the morning and went out to the Indian market. I didn't make it to the Indian market though. Me and Silje were supposed to meet Brandt and Frida out there but when we went to ask where we needed to go were told that the market closed at two. So we hopped on a mini bus and headed towards town. We missed our stop so we just got off in the middle of nowhere. It was a very black area of town as in we didn't see any other white people for probably an hour of walking. It was really fun though. They had a very lively market in which I ate a meat I have yet to determine what it was. It was good though. It almost looked like a squid. It was just a mass of stuff. We also had some fried bread some kabobs and some fruit. Not a terrible meal. We then headed home and met up with some of the peace corp people. We ended up grabbing dinner with them then we went out with them. It was another late night. We were out til about 3:30. It's crazy how smart some these people are. It was really cool talking to them about the state of the country and some of their ideas on where they thought the future of the country  lies. It's really impressive to see that there intelligent young people who really want to make a difference on a global scale. The peace corp people we met were divided really in two different groups. Some were health which were primarily HIV education care and prevention. Pretty cool programs as the described. The other is education. So they would teach students in these villages math or other topics. The class sizes for on of the teachers I talked to was 56. It's crazy to think that they would be able to really get much of a curriculum. 

I might actually have an opportunity to go out and visit one of the school sites a couple hours outside of Durban. I am really excited to get a more authentic experience of what South Africa is really like. 

I wen for a solo bike ride this morning down the boardwalk while the others were getting up and really. It goes right down ushaka beach and down past the stadium. It really felt good to get out and be active. It's also a beautiful ride. The weather was nice not real hot and a little cloudy. Good for the ride anyway. 

My finger is in the way because I took it while still riding. Oops. 

We got together and went to the botanical gardens. It was fun. We just walked around. Felt like a good Sunday stroll. We saw monkeys which was cool.

It was some Sunday drum circle or
Something. They were singing and playing drums in the median. 

 The grounds were really pretty. It's nicely landscaped.

 I am sitting waiting for everyone now to go out grab some dinner. Last night before the Norwegians head back to Cape Town. We are taking the people mover bus in towards the beach to try to find a restaurant  still open. Almost everything closes right before dark in the city.  Thailand is coming fast. I love South Africa. It's been incredible. 

We will miss out travel friends. So many experiences in such a short. Silje is a boxer and will go back and join the army. Frida is going back. Might do some traveling then going to school for phsycology. Glad we met such great people to travel with. 

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