Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Kruger delivered

Finally we got somewhere to see some really cool stuff. Lots of animals. And so close. 

So far elephants, a rhino, warthogs, hippos, kudu, zebra, tons of impala. There are others but they escape me. There are lots of rules and we aren't good at following them. So far we got out of the car to chase animals and fed them. Both of which are against the rules. We almost got caught feeding the baboons oranges. 

The caught them in their mouths. Impressive for sure. There is a river area where we have seen crocs weather buffalo hippos and elephants. We have seen some lions out sunning themselves. The rest of the animals where up in the grasslands. We have had some really close encounters with elephants as well. They have gotten really close to the car. There is so much wildlife. We often are taking pictures of one animal an there are other animals that inadvertently get in the pictures. Mostly impala they are everywhere. 

When we first came into the park at the crocodile bridge entrance we saw a lot of giraffes as well. That was really cool. 

We took a mid day break because the animals are less active during that time of the day and went swimming. 

We were riding down the road and saw a pride of lions right on the road. The walked right next the car. I had my window down and could have easily reached out and touched one of them as they walked by.  It was really kind of in bad shape. One of them had a big bleeding hole on it's back. 

You can now add lion pornographer to my hats. We came across some lions lying around and then they got friendly. Make lions at least this one don't have much stamina. 30 seconds tops. The male lions are intimidating looking. 

The lovely couple

It's crazy how things that would normally impress become pretty ordinary so quickly. I have seen so many impala and elephants it lacks any reaction anymore. Even giraffes are feeling pretty common. The park really is incredible. 

Add a sleepy leopard to the list. They are really cool looking. We have seen most of what we where hoping to including all the big 5 

Hyenas now at least we thought it was just a hyena but it was sitting under a leopard who was eating a meal up in a tree and was eating the scraps. It's crazy to watch the leopard up in the tree balancing while tearing apart it's food with its long tail hanging down. It was crazy you could hear the leopard tearing the impala into pieces. It was some real national geographic stuff. 

It's hard to see but the leopard is up in the tree with its kill and the hyena on the ground. 

The park visit has been incredible. Tons of fun. We saw more that we ever thought we would. 

It was quite the trip. 

3 rhinos 

Just outside the park

Wildfire as we left


Sorry these posts are so disjointed. They tend to be written when I have free time or as they happen. They have also been written on my phone so spelling and grammar probably isn't good. 

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